PLEASE NOTE: 1. All times are Pacific, and 2. These times are approximate and will almost certainly be updated. Follow the match time updates in real-time on the IBJJF big board, or with our live threads on Facebook each day of the event.
You can see all the brackets at this link if you click on the weight classes. If we missed anyone we should follow, please let us know in the comments! Thank you!
Gavin Corbe v. Enzo Rensoli, Thursday, Mat 9, Fight 3 starts at 09:16 a.m. Pacific Time.
Eric Hable vs. Emiilio Andrade, Thursday, Mat 10, Fight 6, starts at 09:40 a.m. Pacific Time.
Bryce Lighthall vs. Michael Villavicencio, Thursday Mat 3, Fight 17 starts at 11:08 a.m. Pacific Time.
Je’Quan Williamson vs. Ehsan Rajabi, Mat 11, Fight 39 starts at 2:04 p.m. Pacific Time.
Justin Michael vs. Belal Mojadidi, Thursday Mat 6, Fight 39 starts at 02:04 p.m.Pacific Time.
Chela Tu, vs. Buyandelger Battsogt, Thursday, Mat 4, Fight 46 starts at: 03:01 p.m. Pacific Time.
Sabrina Wright vs. Mariana Villavalvo, Thursday Mat 3, Fight 48, starts at 03:18 p.m. Pacific Time.
Mariah Bragg gets the bye in round one, fights first on Thursday, Mat 10, Fight 76, starts at 06:51 p.m. Pacific Time.
Rontrice Thomas vs. Dielle Pike, Thursday Mat 6, Fight 79, starts at 07:13 p.m. Pacific Time.
Kim Rice vs. Brea Ellwanger da Silva, Friday, Mat 11, Fight 66, start at: 06:24 p.m. Pacific Time, bracket.

Amber Hable gets the bye in round one, fights first on Friday, Mat 2, Fight 51, starts at 04:25 p.m. Pacific Time.
Maggie McDowell gets the bye in round one, fights first on Friday Mat 4, Fight 52, starts at 04:34p.m. Pacific Time.
Jinho Kim vs. Ariel Tabak, Friday, Mat 8, Fight 30, starts at 01:21 p.m. Pacific Time.
Junny Ocasio vs. Joao Campo Farias Junior, Friday Mat 5, Fight 36 starts ats 02:15 p.m. Pacific Time.
Andrew Bitner vs. Steve Cruz, Friday Mat 9, Fight 28 starts at 01:03 p.m. Pacific Time.
Miguel Elizondo vs. Justin Ledesma, Friday Mat 4, Fight 2 starts at 09:09 p.m. Pacific Time.
Zane Henricksen vs. Jean Henrique Pereira, Friday Mat 3, Fight 15 starts at 11:06 p.m. Pacific Time.
Caitlin Huggins vs. Amanda Loewen, Saturday, Mat 12, Fight 50, starts at: 05:04 p.m. Pacific Time, bracket.

Deandre Corbe vs. Wilson Cortes, Saturday, Mat 9, Fight 16 starts at 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time.
Anthony Elbert vs. Hyungjung Kim, Saturday, Mat 8, Fight 4 starts at 09:30 a.m. Pacific Time.
Caleb Frasher vs. Edson da Silva, Saturday Mat 2, Fight 7 starts at 10:00 a.m.
Diego Bispo vs. Masahiro Iwasaki, Saturday, Mat 3, Fight 36 starts at 04:33 p.m. Pacific Time.